Want some Hawks tickets? I have four tickets available to their season opener and you have an opportunity to own them!
These tickets will go to the highest bidder on Oct 25 at 12:00 noon. Place your bid by then.
The details:
Game Date: October 27 @ 7:30 PM
Seat Location: Sec 114 Row P Seats 11 – 14
Ticket Value: $130 each – that’s a total value of $520
- Proceeds benefit C4 Atlanta – donate using this link
- Place your bid on the form below before 12:00 noon, October 25.
- I will confirm your status as highest bidder by email immediately after the bidding is closed.
- I will personally deliver the tickets to you by hand only after your donation to C4 Atlanta has been confirmed.
Current Highest Bid: $[hawks] [gravityform id=”1″ title=”false” description=”false”]
Thank you for your support, and good luck!